
Updates from the Workshop

May 13, 2015

EMU app in Development

Patrick Ho of Emu asked us to help him develop his vision of the Emu web app and mobile apps. Revolution in Design is currently creating the design, HTML, CSS, JS, and AJAX portions of the application, in coordination with Mr. Ho and his colleagues.

June 1, 2013

Parian Logistics Web App Underway

Patrick Ho of Parian Logistics asked us to help him develop his vision of the Parian web app: an elegantly simple and easy to use inventory management system for the food service industry. Revolution in Design is currently creating the design, HTML, CSS, JS, and AJAX portions of the application, in coordination with Mr. Ho…

January 12, 2011

Building CMS Naturopathic Doctor website

Dr. Kristaps Paddock, N.D. approached me wanting to evolve his current active blogging life into an online identity that clearly reads “naturopathic doctor website” Because he wants to be able to update the site easily, integrate his blog as an rss feed, while ultimately attracting clients with a mature yet accessible “doctorly” design, the choice…